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Virtual Switzerland promotes and encourages

Virtual Switzerland promotes and encourages the adoption and development of Swiss immersive technologies, namely augmented, mixed, and virtual realities, also collectively referred to as XR (Extended Realities).


Initially supported by Innosuisse as a National Thematic Network (2017-2020), Virtual Switzerland focuses on three pillars : 

Who We Are

Virtual Switzerland is also a founding member of XR4Europe, an association dedicated to supporting and uniting European XR professionals, and of the Foundation for Digital Creation in Geneva.



Main Sponsor

Laetitia Bochud

Is the president of XR4Europe, and the lead of the IMPULSE Programme the European XR Accelerator fostering the growth of creative and entrepreneurial projects. 

She currently participates in the Sounding Board for advising the Swiss Film Fund revision, to include and raise the integration of immersive and spatial productions, from concept to distribution. She thus advocates at the Federal as much as at cantonal levels.

1 – Provide strategic advisory, business development and opportunities, visibility and a solid network


2- Collide ideas and knowledge spheres to foster technological transfer, research-based innovation, and other concrete projects


3- Connect brilliant, creative minds, ecosystems, public and private entities, in Switzerland and abroad

> Provide
> Collide
> Connect

We promote, evangelize, and facilitate the adoption, development, and technological transfer of immersive technologies Provide x Collide x Connect.

Creation, Innovation, Intégration

Sparks ideas and fosters synergies around the development and use of virtual, augmented, and mixed realities
Newsletter Signup

+41 (0)76 422 14 11

Virtual Switzerland

c/o Synergix Rue de Neuchâtel 8
CH – 1201 Geneva


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