FOLLOW OUR NEWS ON SOCIAL NETWORKSNews Live action shooting #3 Meeting the world Media re Such pleasure to bring QUALITY immersive & interac Kids & families had lots of fun today at the @digi The 1st chapter of this opus is being showcased at Finishing Touch - Art Studio & Gallery, an experie D-1! At the 1st edition of @digitaldreams_festival More #immersiveart installations. Location-based i Realism Virtualism Embodiment + Presence + Social Free ur head! On the #lido @taiccaoficial @taicca Some (happy) people bumped into on the #veniceimme A few impressions: #LBVR #MR #VR Lots of brilliant Throwback to @newimages.festival this past April, Back! #veniceimmersive @labiennale #biennalecine Almost the full IMPULSE Programme team! Give it u House Rules Kleine Bühne @progr_bern Einversta Under the "VR Tent" shared with HEC-LABEX, Virtual Visit to today, dedicated to #V Today was workshop + brainstorming session with th While mummy mingles & networks #AEJ stays close bu Locarno Stars Table mats Yellow & Black Every Busi Industry Morning Prez Bundesamt für Kultur #BAK # When the lights go on ☆ Piazza Grande Graced by Day #2 of live action shooting for a visitors cent A few remote working days Recharging & typing away CALL FOR PROJECTS | ENTREPRENEURSHIP (both academ CALL FOR PROJECTS | CREATION ○ To all European I first met this harbour city in August 1993. I wa Unterwegs nach HH Mixing duty & pleasure with #AEJ Day #1 of live action shooting for a visitors cent Insights. Inspiration. Artistic journey. @jeanmic Last stage before the summer break. The New Atlas @annecyfestival was a super well-organized & frien Sense of observation turned caustic wit. @abstract CyberPhysical at @epflpavilions The magic of ster Winner of the #prixcreateurs2024 from @bcvs_wkb & Un exercice périlleux pour moi qui d'habitude est Photographe en goguette à Champel An energizing a @la_becque celebrates 5 years of artists support & At the 360° stage Syllepse near Nations in Geneva Stage time! Discussion on the "Future of Storytell And 1 year later: 1st ever #immersivecompetition & Virtual Switzerland's first Marché du Film on beh The first #globalxrsummit in Athens, joining this Memories of my first Greek stay for the #globalxrs Featured on the evening news to explain why the #m Back in #lavalvirtual @lavalvirtual as speaker & j A very Parisian spring 23! @forumdesimages in the Back in Paris for @virtualityweb3summit during the Day in the capital to present the "metaverse" in f A Museum unlike any other, an inspiring architectu Brilliant, impactful work by Steve McQueen during Experience the wonderful architecrure of @fondatio Super well curated and produced event: @iffr #iffr Where work takes me : @goetheinstitut_usbekistan i Home Office Reality @patachillesdrawings @newyorke The height of the #metaverse hype : Summer 2022, w #immersity2022 - les Assises de la création numé Infographics about #metaverse & #virtualworlds @l Annonce du Pôle de création numérique romand da Publication 18048929017544865 Instagram #stilllife #naturemorte #crystalawards #galanight at @stereopsiaeurope Bu Investors' & Awards' night at #ITW22 by @vrdaysfou #stereopsia22 in full blast! Testing away ( @lynx Virtual Switzerland is commissionned by the newly- Spectrum The new venue for @stereopsiaeurope is just grand. Consultancy work about the #metaverse for a luxury Publication 18008728979107816 Instagram Publication 18072356989432836 Instagram Initiative for all female-identified professionals Publication 18005074027990178 Instagram Publication 18003195197183448 Instagram Venice Immersive - every year a highlight & a very Film & Art Biennale Publication 18015326623829538 Instagram Publication 17979477524411405 Instagram Publication 17993664023183396 Instagram Publication 18041064622598830 Instagram Réception à l'ambassade de France au Canada, ave Publication 18027750145647045 Instagram Publication 18004805438318744 Instagram Publication 18010191749031952 Instagram Publication 17861825451015894 Instagram Publication 17997856712337811 Instagram #immersity2022 Publication 18028457713705151 Instagram Publication 17901478760905291 Instagram COSMOGONY is a live digital performance #irt that Publication 18008677342935771 Instagram Instagram