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Please read the following terms and conditions carefully before proceeding.

Virtual Switzerland maintains this website for your personal use. This website and its contents are intended to comply with the laws and regulations of Switzerland. While you can access this website from outside Switzerland, it is administered and managed in Switzerland.

Anyone who visits the website thereby agrees to the conditions below. If you have any questions or comments about the legal information, please send an e-mail direct to info (at)

Virtual Switzerland may, at any time, revise these terms and conditions by updating this posting. You are bound by any such revisions and should, therefore, periodically review this page.


With the new GDPR regulations entering into force in EU 25th May 2018, Switzerland currently not being concerned, we at Virtual Switzerland want to make you aware of the customer data we store and for what purpose we use that data.

We have in our database the name of your company/institution, your field of activity, your status meaning that either you are a member or a prospect, your title, first name, name and email address. This information we use solely to send you newsletters concerning Virtual Switzerland’s activities. We do not use this information for any other purposes.

Should you wish to be removed from our database you can do so anytime by sending us an email saying ´unsubscribe´ to info (at)

Restriction of liability

Virtual Switzerland declines all liability (also in cases of negligence) for any damages resulting directly or indirectly from access to the website or its use; from inability to access or use it; or from links to other websites.

Virtual Switzerland website may be unavailable from time to time due to technical, telecommunication, software, hardware and third-party vendor failures, updating or construction processes. Virtual Switzerland cannot predict or control when such downtime may occur and cannot control the duration of or be held liable for any damages resulting from such downtime.

Contents of the website

We cannot guarantee that hardware and software will function free of error. We draw your attention to the fact that the website may contain technical inaccuracies and/or typographical errors.

Information on this website may be changed or updated at any time without prior notice.

Usage data / personal data

Virtual Switzerland places great importance on data protection. As a matter of principle, you are able to access our website without supplying any personal data. You decide yourself as a visitor to the website which personal data you wish to reveal to us. We draw your attention to the fact that when you visit our website we automatically receive information that allows us to determine how visitors use our website and which information are of particular interest. This information does not, however, allow any inferences to be made about you as an individual. The data are processed to help us adapt our website and the services that we offer to meet the needs of our users better.

Our own cookies

The website uses cookies to help manage the promotional banners and to establish the popularity of individual theme areas. These text files stored on your hard disc do not contain any personal data, but facilitate your use of our website.

There is a distinction between cookies that remain active only as long as the browser is open and those that are stored longer-term on the hard disc. Permanent cookies that can be linked with personal data are only permitted under Swiss data protection legislation when the user has granted consent for their implementation. We respect this principle and give you the choice of whether you wish to work with permanent cookies or not. However, we draw your attention to the fact that access to areas which require registration and the use of certain services are only possible when cookies are enabled.

Web analysis

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies” – text files that are stored on your computer and which allow an analysis of your use of the website –. The information generated via the cookie about your use of this website (including your IP address) is transmitted to a Google server in the USA and saved there. The data that derive from such analyses are evaluated in anonymous form and serve only for the continual improvement of this website and its contents. You can prevent the installation of these cookies by making the appropriate settings in your browser software; however, we draw your attention that you may not, in this case, be able to make use of the full range of functions of this website. By using this website, you agree to data collected from you being saved and processed for the previously stated purposes.

References and links

This website may contain links to, or be accessed from links on other websites. Virtual Switzerland does not have responsibility for, or control of, the contents, availability, operation or performance of other websites to which this web site may be linked or from which this web site may be accessed. Virtual Switzerland makes no representation regarding the content of any other websites which you may access from We cannot guarantee that third-party providers abide by the data protection rules that we respect. We recommend that you consult the data protection policies of the relevant providers before using their websites. If a linked page carries contents that are illegal or offensive, we will delete the links immediately on being informed.

Copyright, trademarks

All contents (text, photographs, videos, logos, etc.) of the Virtual Switzerland website are protected by copyright. When material is downloaded from the website or contents copied, no rights whatsoever are conferred. Pictures and logos may not be copied, duplicated, transmitted or otherwise used without the permission of Virtual Switzerland. Contents may not be reproduced without the prior written consent of the copyright holder.


Membership in Virtual Switzerland Association is for a period of 12 months, as from the date of payment. A membership cannot be cancelled during this period, nor will Virtual Switzerland Association fully or partially refund a member who wishes to leave during that 12 month period.


Virtual Switzerland Association, May 2018 

Sparks ideas and fosters synergies around the development and use of virtual, augmented, and mixed realities
Newsletter Signup

+41 (0)76 422 14 11

Virtual Switzerland

c/o Synergix Rue de Neuchâtel 8
CH – 1201 Geneva


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